Research & Development / Engineering

Within Research & Development / Engineering you manage or perform scientific research and development to improve products and services

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Plats: DEU - Stuttgart
Ansök senast: 2025-05-30

Am Standort Stuttgart und Gärtringen bieten wir einen Ausbildungsplatz zum Mechatroniker mit Starttermin 01.09.2025 an:

Dich erwartet

  • Breit gefächerten Tätigkeitsfelder in den Schnittstellenbereichen der Elektronik und Mechanik sorgen für eine
    abwechslungsreiche und anspruchsvolle Ausbildung
  • Bei uns lernst du Mechanik, Elektronik und Elektrotechnik in Theorie und Praxis
  • Spannende Aufgaben, wie z.B. Spanabhebende Bearbeitung an Drehbank (CNC), Bohrmaschine und Fräsmaschine; Erstellung von technischen Zeichnungen und elektrischen, hydraulischen und pneumatischen Schaltplänen; Projektierung
    von Prüfstandsteuerungen sowie Aufbau und Verdrahtung der dazugehörigen Hardware; Erstellung von
    Messwerterfassungsprogrammen und die Durchführung von Dichtungstests auf Hydraulikprüfständen

Dafür bringst du mit 

  • Guter Realschulabschluss oder (fachgeb.) Hochschulreife
  • Gute Physik- und Mathematikkenntnisse
  • Technisches Verständnis und handwerklich-technisches Geschick
  • Hilfreiche schulische Interessen: Naturwissenschaften, IT, Technik (MINT)
  • Spaß und Interesse am Umgang mit Werkstoffen
  • Freude an Teamarbeit
  • Englischkenntnisse

Wir bieten dir

  • Moderne Arbeitsumgebung im barrierefreien Innovation Center
  • Fitness Room, Game Room und andere zusätzliche Angebote
  • Flexible Arbeitszeit und eine moderne IT Ausstattung
  • Gute Verkehrsanbindung für Fußgänger, (E-) Biker, ÖPNV-Nutzer (3 min. S-Bahn), und (E-) Autofahrer (eigenes Parkhaus), gesponsert im Rahmen eines Mobilitätskonzeptes 
  • Vielfältiges und gesundes Angebot in unserem Betriebsrestaurant

Nimm deine Karriere jetzt in die Hand! 

Wir freuen uns auf deine aussagekräftige Bewerbung.

Bei Fragen steht dir das Recruiting Team sehr gerne zur Verfügung:

Julia Walter, HR
Tel.: +49 711-7864-394

Carlos Lopez, HR
Tel.: +49 711-7864-364


Trelleborg ist ein Arbeitgeber, der die Chancengleichheit fördert. Wir sind stolz auf die Vielfalt unserer Mitarbeitenden und schätzen die besonderen Erfahrungen und Kenntnisse, die Menschen mit unterschiedlichem Hintergrund in unser Unternehmen einbringen. Die Fähigkeit, bahnbrechende Technologien zu entwickeln, ist eines unserer wichtigsten Güter, und unsere Mitarbeitenden machen dies möglich.

Jobbtitel: NPD Quality Engineer
Plats: USA-Litchfield, MN
Ansök senast: 2025-03-01

Trelleborg Healthcare and Medical is seeking an NPD Quality Engineer to join their team. The NPD Quality Engineer is responsible to plan and coordinate quality assurance activities for medical device manufacturing through the design and development phases including validation for new product development. Collaborate with New Product Development (NPD) teams to support equipment qualification, software validation, test method development/validation, process development/validation (IQ/OQ/PQ), and other quality processes to ensure compliance with the company's Quality System and applicable external requirements and standards, including FDA, ISO 13485, and/or other regulatory agencies as applicable to medical device manufacturing. Working with internal and external customers to support creative approaches and solutions to problems.

As a valued team member with Trelleborg, you will enjoy:

  • Competitive compensation:
  • Generous benefits package: Includes health, dental, vision, STD, LTD, life, 401k, paid time off, tuition reimbursement, and more!
  • Greater opportunity for impact: You will impact the production of life-saving devices.
  • Growth and advancement: Join a global company that loves to promote from within and allows for advancement.
  • Bonus

Education and Experience


  • 4 year degree in quality, engineering or any related field
  • 2+ years in a manufacturing environment in a technical support role


  • ASQ Certified Quality Engineer
  • Formal Six Sigma Yellow/ Green belt training
  • Knowledge and experience with GMP/ISO Standards: ISO 9000/9001, ISO 13485, and FDA 21CFR 820/11 (4/210/211 as applicable)

Job Responsibilities:

In conjunction with the NPD team, plan, develop and execute equipment, software, test method, and/or process validation strategy

  • Perform risk management by identifying, estimating, evaluating, controlling, and monitoring risk, utilizing risk tools such as Process Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (pFMEA)
  • Author or approve protocols and reports for Equipment Qualification (IQ/EQ), Software validation (SV), Test Method Validation (TMV), Process validation (OQ/PQ)
  • Review and evaluate specifications, drawings, quality agreements, customer documentation and other documents as necessary to support NPD projects
  • Plan, coordinate, and oversee Test Method Development and Validation activities, initiate inspection plans for new/revised product
  • Develop test methods or work with the Metrology team to recommend equipment, sampling plans, and measurement techniques for inspection specifications
  • Perform measurement system analysis (MSA) Gage 1, Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility (GRR), Bias and Linearity, Resolution and Stability studies
  • Perform statistical analysis of inspection data, process characterization, design of experiments (DOE) results, ANOVA, Capability Analysis
  • Author and execute Quality Plans for Quality Management Systems and Organizational Objectives projects
  • Initiate and perform root cause analysis, using statistical and capability analysis to solve problems
  • Adhere to the company’s Quality System (QS), write, and approve QS documents
  • Review and ensure compliance with QMS of all validation documents and records
  • Support Engineering, Manufacturing, and Inspection personnel in design, methods, tooling, validations, and other areas related to the control of product
  • Communicate with customers on clarification of specifications, completing customer documents, complaints, process changes, and other projects as needed
  • Understand regulatory requirements (e.g. ISO13485, 9001, 14971, FDA 21 CFR 820, ITAR)
  • Provide periodic work direction and assistance to QA inspectors, QA technicians and Quality Engineering Technicians
  • Support other quality activities as necessary such as customer complaint (CC) and RMA system per procedures, corrective and preventive actions (CAPA),
  • Support internal and external audits
  • Other duties as assigned

Ability to read, write, speak and understand the English language (with a translator, if necessary)

  • Ability to communicate clearly by conveying and receiving ideas, information and direction effectively
  • Ability to demonstrate adequate job knowledge to deliver a world class performance
  • Ability to challenge oneself to consistently meet all goals and deadlines
  • Willingness to strive for excellence by producing work that is free of errors and mistakes
  • Desire to delight both customers and coworkers by offering encouragement, fostering teamwork and addressing conflict appropriately
  • Commitment to making improvements company wide
  • Demonstrated competence using Microsoft Office, Project, Access and JMP
  • Comprehensive understanding of applicable Work Instructions, SOPs, and ISO standards
  • Working knowledge of statistical methods associated with six sigma and quality control.
  • Able to perform math functions
  • Effective project leader
  • Experience with lean manufacturing principles and their implementation
  • Good hand/eye coordination and depth perception
  • Good manual dexterity
  • Correctable normal reading distance vision


Pay: $80,000.00 - $90,000.00 per year


Apply here!

Plats: DNK - Helsingør
Ansök senast: 2025-02-28


Kunne du tænke dig at arbejde med avancerede plastmaterialer i et dynamisk og innovativt miljø? Så er denne stilling som laborant i vores udviklingslaboratorie hos Trelleborg Sealing Solutions i Helsingør måske lige noget for dig!

Vi er 300 engagerede kolleger hos Trelleborg Sealing Solutions i Helsingør, og vi er specialiserede i udvikling og produktion af tætningssystemer til højteknologiske virksomheder inden for hydraulik-, bil-, fly-, skibs-, olie- og maskinindustrien. Selvom vi måske ikke er så kendte i den brede befolkning, er vi blandt verdens bedste inden for vores felt, og vi anerkendes af vores kunder for vores produkter og kvalitet. Dette opnås kun ved at blive ved med at stille krav til hinanden, til vores leverandører og ikke mindst til vores produkter.

Vi er en del af den børsnoterede Trelleborg Group, som har knap 17.000 medarbejdere fordelt over hele verden.

Hvad går stillingen ud på?
Du vil få din daglige gang på vores fabrik i Helsingør, hvor du bliver en del af R&D. Her kommer du til at arbejde i et kompetent og engageret team bestående af både laboranter, ingeniører og teknikere.

Vi arbejder tæt sammen i afdelingen, og vidensdeling er en del af hverdagen. Vi anser os selv for at være blandt de dygtigste eksperter på vores område, og vi er globalt anerkendt i Trelleborg som Leadcenter for PTFE. På det personlige plan mener vi også selv, at vi er ret hyggelige at arbejde sammen med.

Du kan se frem til en alsidig dagligdag med stor bredde på undersøgelser samt selvstændig udførelse og planlægning af analyser.

Opgaver prioriteres, så det er muligt at være med helt fra starten af undersøgelserne til den endelige vurdering af resultater og rapportering.

Dine primære opgaver vil indebære:

  • Kvalitetskontrol af materialer, råvarer og færdige produkter
  • Deltagelse i udviklingsprojekter, planlægning af forsøg samt udførelse af undersøgelser
  • Selvstændig udarbejdelse af laboratorierapporter med konklusioner og beslutninger
  • Håndtering af materialespørgsmål relateret hovedsageligt til PTFE men også andre plastmaterialer
  • Udarbejdelse og vedligehold af SOP’er

Vi benytter forskelligt udstyr, som er relateret til analyse af plastmaterialer, bl.a.:

  • Termisk udstyr (DSC, TGA og DMA)
  • Trækprøveapparat
  • Partikelstørrelsesmåler
  • Mikroskoper, herunder SEM og lasermikroskop

Kendskab til ovenstående udstyr er en fordel men ikke et krav, da en grundig oplæring vil være en del af onboarding.

Hvem er du?
Vi forestiller os, at:

  • Du har en laborantuddannelse og kendskab til materialeundersøgelser
  • Du går til opgaver og mennesker med et åbent sind, er tillidsvækkende og skaber både relationer og resultater sammen med gode kolleger
  • Du går på arbejdet med en god portion humor og synes, det er sjovt at lære nyt
  • Du trives med en til tider uforudsigelig hverdag, der sommetider også kan opleves en smule hektisk
  • Du holder af at løse opgaver helt fra start til slut
  • Du er flydende i både dansk og engelsk skrift og tale

Hvad kan vi tilbyde dig?
Vi kan tilbyde dig at blive en del af Trelleborg Sealing Solutions, hvor vi får vi biler til at yde mere, fly til at lande stabilt og gravkoen til at bryde igennem det umulige. Derudover kan du se frem til at blive en del af et hold, hvor vi har:

  • Højt humør, en uformel tone og et godt samarbejde
  • En unik viden om polymerer
  • Gode muligheder for efteruddannelse
  • Personaleforening med mange forskellige tilbud, sundhedsforsikring, kunstforening og en helt fantastisk morgenmads- og frokostordning

Skal du være med på holdet?
Så vil vi glæde os til at modtage din ansøgning og CV senest den 28. februar via formularen herunder.

Vi holder samtaler løbende, så send meget gerne din ansøgning allerede i dag.

Har du spørgsmål til stillingen, er du velkommen til at kontakte R&D Manager, Søren Roepstorff, på telefon 49 27 03 06.

Hos Trelleborg Sealing Solutions behandler vi alle lige. Vi værdsætter diversitet og sætter en ære i at skabe et inkluderende miljø for alle medarbejdere. Vi opfordrer alle, uanset køn, alder, nationalitet, religiøs overbevisning, identitet og demografisk baggrund, til at ansøge.

Jobbtitel: Material Laboratory Technician
Plats: USA - Fort Wayne, IN
Ansök senast: 2025-03-23

Summary of the Job: 

The Material Laboratory Technician I supports test method design and implementation, conducting design of experiments, interpretation of data, drawing conclusions, and preparing final test reports related to polymer testing in the lab using a variety of innovative equipment. This position will join a high functioning team to support customers in various market segments such as aerospace and health and medical as well as fellow research and development colleagues. Strong understanding of scientific methods required. Communication and problem solving skills are key.

Tasks and responsibilities:

  • Develop, implement, and lead multiple projects concurrently including creating and keeping timelines, ensuring projects adhere to customer requirements, and presenting results to customers.
  • Design tests that align with material development for the purpose of characterizing polymer’s physical and thermal properties.
  • Design and perform data analysis.
  • Prepare, and interpret test requirements as defined in ASTM, customer, and other industry standard specifications.
  • Perform and support investigations of product failure analysis.
  • Perform benchmarking operations with other laboratories to verify the lab’s proficiency and retain accreditation.
  • Write technical reports and presentations.
  • Keep up to date on relevant technical areas including new methods or designs coming to market.
  • Follow procedures and perform duties in compliance with lab accreditation requirements (ISO17025)
  • Remain free from any undue internal influence and external commercial, financial, and other pressures and influences that may adversely affect the quality of their work.
  • Active participation in Continuous Improvement, Preventative Action, and Corrective Action programs with regards to testing, report writing, and the ISO17025 lab management system.
  • General upkeep of the laboratory
  • Compliance with quality, safety, environmental, and customer mandated procedures
  • Other duties as assigned by manager

Education and Experience:

  • Bachelor of Science Degree required in a scientific field (Physics, Engineering, Chemistry, or similar)
  • Lab experience preferred
  • Strong analytical, decision making, and problem solving skills required
  • Technical writing skills required
  • Experience with 5S practices a plus


Apply here!

Last Application Date 3/22/2025

As an EEO/Affirmative Action Employer all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, protected veteran or disability status.

Jobbtitel: Tool Machinist
Plats: USA - Delano, MN
Ansök senast: 2025-04-19

Imagine leveraging your machinist expertise while working for one of the leading contract manufacturers in the world. Seize this rare opportunity to be part of a healthcare and medical business unit with the support and stability of an organization that has been in business for over 100 years.

Trelleborg Medical Solutions is seeking a Machinist to join their Delano team. Support manufacturing by machining mold components, fixtures, and related tools to design specifications.

As a valued Trelleborg team member, you will enjoy:
· Greater opportunity for impact
· Competitive compensation
· Generous benefits package: Health, Dental, Vision, STD, LTD, Life, 401k
· Paid time off
· Bonus

• High School Diploma or equivalent
• Estimated 2 years of CNC machining experience, including setup
• Experience creating CNC programs for mills and/or lathes using CAD/CAM software

• 2-year technical degree in Machine Tool Trades/Tool and Die
• Familiarity with End Of Arm Tooling and fixture design


• Program, set up, and operate CNC machine tools and equipment to manufacture, repair, and revise components for molds, fixtures, and related tools safely and on time.
• Understand machined parts' intended use and function to ensure proper fit and performance at end use or assembly.
• Use CAD/CAM technology to create safe and effective CNC programming.
• Organize and maintain program files according to established standards.
• Monitor resources and queues to ensure operations are completed on time.
• Establish and maintain good working relationships with key contacts in various departments and sites to provide exceptional machining services.
• Inspect machined components and record dimensional data to validate part quality.
• Works safely and follows all safety policies and procedures.
• Participate in continuous improvement projects or other tasks to support department and corporate goals.


• Ability to read, write, speak, and understand the English language
• Ability to communicate clearly by conveying and receiving ideas, information, and direction effectively

Travel: minimal

hourly range: $34-41.00/hour depending on experience 


Apply here!


Plats: IND - Ahmedabad
Ansök senast: 2025-02-28

Do you want to experience new challenges and innovate the future of engineered polymer solutions? Accelerate your career with Trelleborg and start shaping industry from the inside.

Who are we?

Trelleborg Industrial Solutions (TIS) is a global leader in innovative polymer-based solutions for key industries and critical infrastructure. We are one of three Business Areas within the Trelleborg Group, with a total of about 6 000 employees around the world.

Trelleborg Marine & Infrastructure are committed to advancing operational performance in marine, port and built infrastructure, empowering our clients to succeed at the highest level.

About the Job

As a Design Engineer you have responsibility to finish the design, modelling & drafting work allocated to you by your seniors in an efficient and timely manner. This job will entail completion of 3D models and engineering drawings, maintaining work documentation and keeping all projects organized. You will work with Engineers/Project Managers based in different location worldwide to ensure that your work fully aligns with the Customer’s requirements and is in line with TMS standards. The duties and responsibilities of the Design Engineer is not limited to those listed below and are subject to change as per needs of the business.

  • Providing CAD support for products associated with the Customer Group activities.
  • Read and understand the project requirement and connect with respective project owners to clarify data required to complete the project.
  • Discuss with line manager about the project assigned.
  • Maintain all communication in written through mail, even if telephonic discussion is made. Summarize mail should be sent for discussed points to respective persons.
  • Should follow effective modelling and drawings practice.
  • Ensure Information on drawings and documents are accurate and aligning to the requirement.
  • The successful and timely delivery of all drafting and modelling assigned work to you.
  • Ensure models and dwgs built / issued for any product are feasible for manufacturing, assembly and installation.
  • Micro planning of tasks assigned.
  • Follow defined company processes and standards.
  • Maintaining customer centricity and ensuring customer happiness through delivery of your work.
  • Performing engineering activities on a day-to-day basis.
  • Checking of other engineer’s models, drawing and other technical documents.
  • Maintaining drawing archives.
  • Ensure, given responsibilities on or before time, with full accuracy.
  • If given task is completed, you should approach your immediate line manager.
  • Carry out general tasks as designated by the line manager.
  • Communicate efficiently both in writing and verbally
  • Moderate to strong understanding of engineering principles

About the Ideal Candidate

  • BE / B.Tech / ME / M.Tech in Mechanical Engineering or a similar field. With minimum 3 years of work experience design and engineering.
  • Hands on experience in Autodesk Inventor
  • Having knowledge of I-logic, cad automation would be an added advantage.
  • Exposure to working methodology as per ISO9001

Trelleborg is an equal opportunity employer! We celebrate diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees. We will ensure that individuals with disabilities are provided reasonable accommodation to participate in the job application or interview process, to perform crucial job functions, and to receive other benefits and privileges of employment. Please contact us to request accommodation.

“Don’t delay! We’re hiring as quickly as possible”

At Trelleborg our people are #shapingindustryfromtheinside

Plats: IND - Ahmedabad
Ansök senast: 2025-03-31

Do you want to experience new challenges and innovate the future of engineered polymer solutions? Accelerate your career with Trelleborg and start shaping industry from the inside.

Who are we?

Trelleborg Industrial Solutions (TIS) is a global leader in innovative polymer-based solutions for key industries and critical infrastructure. We are one of three Business Areas within the Trelleborg Group, with a total of about 6 200 employees around the world. 

Trelleborg Marine & Infrastructure are committed to advancing operational performance in marine, port and built infrastructure, empowering our clients to succeed at the highest level.

About the Job

As a Jr. Design Engineer you have responsibility to complete all modelling & drafting work allocated to you by your seniors in an efficient and timely manner. This job will entail completion of 3D models and engineering drawings, maintaining your work documentation and keeping all your projects organized. You will work with Sr. Engineer / manager based at ICE to ensure that your work fully complies with the project requirements and is in line with the guidelines. The duties and responsibilities of the Jr. Design Engineer is not limited to those listed below and are subject to change as per needs of the business.

  • To gain know-how about the specific product line.
  • To get acquainted with the processes & guidelines.
  • Providing CAD support for products associated with the product group activities.
  • Read and understand the project requirement.
  • Discuss with line manager about the project assigned.
  • Should follow effective modelling and drawings practice.
  • Ensure Information on drawings and documents are correct and aligning to the requirement.
  • The successful and timely delivery of all drafting and modelling work allocated to you.
  • Ensure models and drawings created / issued for any product are feasible for manufacturing, assembly, and installation.
  • Follow defined company processes and standards.
  • If given task is completed, you should approach your immediate line manager.
  • Other appropriate activities as defined by your line manager.
  • Communicate effectively to avoid ambiguity.
  • If immediate line manager is not available, contact next level of hierarchy for any support.

About the Ideal Candidate

  • Self-motivated.
  • Communicate effectively to avoid ambiguity.
  • Build good relationships and work well within a multi-disciplined team.
  • Ability to build engineering concepts from scratch.
  • Learn about new products and adapt new ideas quickly and accurately.
  • Proficient in both written and spoken English.
  • See challenges as opportunities.
  • BE / B.Tech / ME / M.Tech in Mechanical Engineering or a similar discipline with a minimum 1.5 years of work experience design and engineering.
  • Hands on experience in SolidWorks/ Autodesk Inventor etc.
  • Exposure to working methodology as per ISO9001.
  • Experience of Cryogenic materials, Valves, Couplings & Seal Technologies (preferred but not essential)
  • Experience with Hydraulic and Pneumatic components and systems.
  • Current or previous experience in the design and detailed engineering of pressure vessels, valves, columns, pipe sections, and storage tanks.
  • Experience working with ISO, ASME, EN requirements, and other relevant guidelines and regulations, such as PD 5500, EN 13445, ASME VIII Div. 1 & 2, ASME B31.3, B16.5, B16.47. NACE MR0175/ISO 1516
  • Experienced in using ERP Systems, such as D365.
  • Hands-on experience in Solidworks, DFMEA, Dassauly EPDM (Document management system).


“Don’t delay! We’re hiring as quickly as possible”

At Trelleborg our people are #shapingindustryfromtheinside 

Plats: IND - Ahmedabad

Trelleborg Marine Systems is looking for a Trainee Design engineer to enhance the innovation in the field. A candidate looking to learn & grow with the company may apply.